Saturday, July 11, 2009

Adam Richman, of Travel Channel’s “Man Vs. Food” and production crew visited DiNic’s at the Reading Terminal Market this morning as part of a program tenatively scheduled for mid-September. Pictured here are ace prep man Jun, Joe Nicolosi, and Adam.
But Richman wasn’t there to see how many roast pork sandwiches he could down. He’s probably still recovering from the challenge taped yesterday at Tony Luke’s where the glutton star consumed a five-pound cheesesteak. DiNic’s will be among the Philadelphia foodie landmarks featured in the pre-challenge part of the program. Richman and crew also stopped by Miller’s Twists for pretzels.
The RTM and DiNic’s was also in media focus Wednesday when DJ Helen Leicht broadcast her midday WXPN shift live from the Market while local singer-songwriter Andrew Lipke performed in Center Court. It was the first of three “Local Music Wednesdays” to be broadcast from the market this summer (the others are scheduled for Aug. 5 and 19). Helen interviewed Tommy Nicolosi, proprietor of DiNic’s, which was immediatley followed by a cover of a song from The Who’s rock opera Tommy.