In Search of
The Queen Click on photo to enlarge
Our search began in
front of Buckingham Palace on a cool, occasionally drizzling Tuesday
morning. The entire entourage, including Golden Coach, eventually
emerged through the gates for the processional down the Mall to The
City and St. Paul's Cathedral. By that time the crowds were much too
thick for a satisfactory glance, so we relied on the big screen. |
We did see Zara and
Peter Phillips, and Tim Lawrence, the children and husband of Anne,
Princess Royal, in their carriage preceding the Queen to the
Thanksgiving service. |
Prince Andrew salutes
and Prince William smiles as their carriage leaves Buckingham Palace
en route to St. Paul's Cathedral. |
With the Queen elusive,
Jean Sue relied upon the tabloids and their weekend Jubilee supplements
to meet her monarch quota. Our comfortable flat in Earl's Court, filled
with interesting paintings of varying quality, provided ample room and a
convenient location. |
Our search
also led us to Windsor Castle, where we witnessed the changing of the
guard up Windsor's High Street complete with drums and horns. Alas, the
Queen was visiting north London that day. |
Finally, the Queen (and
the Duke) are spotted just feet from Jean Sue as they approach Beaumaris
Castle on the Isle of Angelsey in northern Wales to visit a crafts fair.
Pretend this is a "Where's Waldo?" puzzle, with Jean Sue
(in white hat) playing the
part of Waldo. |
The royal Rolls
approaches Jean Sue's camera as the Queen departs Beaumaris. |
A Windsor Wave from the
Queen as she passes by. |
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All photographs
and text © Robert L.Libkind and Jean Sue Libkind |